It can be frustrating when you are not sure how to approach a man to ask them to become your boyfriend. You may not even know the person well but you feel that they are the right person. If they accept you, you will feel happy to know that there is someone you can call any time of the day or night and speak to them. You can share with them your deep feelings and get encouraged. The only obstacle standing between you and the gentleman is a request from you for them to become your boyfriend. A girlfriend application form will do the trick.
Girlfriend Application Forms
What is a girlfriend application?
When you desire a man to become your boyfriend, one of the best approaches is to send them an official girlfriend application. It is a form that you must complete when you are applying to become someone’s girlfriend. The form provides details about you that will help the gentleman to know you better.
When filling out the simple girlfriend application, you must ensure that you don’t leave any important information. The unanswered questions might discredit you and you miss a great chance. Some girls will go out of their way to attach their photos and supporting documents.
How to make a girlfriend application?
The wifey application template contains a wide range of questions for you to answer. To increase your chances of getting accepted, make sure you answer all the questions. Honesty is important when filling out the questions.
If you decide to tell the wrong information and you get accepted, the man will soon find out it was a lie and the relationship will break. Follow these steps to fill out the girlfriend application form.
Start with your basic information
Your official girlfriend application should contain your official/legal name. If you want to include your alias name, include it separately and indicate it as a nickname to avoid confusion. Your basic information includes the following details.
- Full name (as per your identification documents)
- Your current residence
- Your nickname
- Age
- Your eye color
- Your natural hair color
- The current color of your hair
- Your current weight
- Height
Your contact information
Unless you are very certain the gentleman will accept your application, you should not include your physical address in your simple girlfriend application. Provide only the basic contact information and leave out the detailed information. If they accept your wifey application, you can give your inner details about your physical address later. The following are the important contact information details.
- Your home telephone number
- Your cell phone number
- Your email address
- IM Name (give the specific service)
Groundbreaking information
The groundbreaking information in your girlfriend application form is the information that will attract them to you. It is the information that will make them feel convinced that you are the woman for their life. Provide as many details as possible in this section.
- State whether you have ever had another boyfriend before or you currently have one
- State whether you smoke, consume alcohol or use hard drugs
- Declare whether you have tattoos
- Declare whether you have any piercings apart from your ears
- State whether you have ever been convicted in a court of law
About your education and affiliations
This section of the official girlfriend application states issues like your education, political party, etc.
- State your current education level
- Which religion are you affiliated with?
- Which political side do you support?
- If you have any siblings, state them in this section. You may list how many they are and their names if you wish.
Other things you can add
You can add other things in the girlfriend application form if you feel the information will give you an advantage. You can add information like:
- Your favorite music, movies, TV programs, books, sports, etc.
- State your current source of income (employed, self-employed, freelancing)
You can add as much information as you wish as long as it will help you get an advantage. After you complete filling out the wifey application, send it to the man you desire to become your boyfriend and hope for a positive reply.
Official Girlfriend Applications
Tips for getting a boyfriend fast
Most women may love a man but they feel ashamed to approach them. It can take many months of waiting and finally, you get a negative response. Apart from sending him a wifey application, you should take several other steps to help you win him. These tips will help you him fast.
Meet new guys
If you have no guy in mind currently but you feel you need to get one, don’t lock yourself in your room. Instead, go out and meet new guys. Your big question might be how you will meet new guys out there. There are different approaches.
- Participate in a community activity
- Join a religious group
- Join a club
- Walk with your girlfriends
Register in a dating app
Dating apps have their pros and cons but they are good platforms where you can meet serious guys. The advantage of dating apps is that you can meet guys from all over the world. Avoid registering in the free dating apps but try the subscription ones.
Take a bold step
If you notice a promising guy, take the bold step to know him better. Invite him for coffee and have some time to chat and ask him all the questions you would love to ask.
Dig out a little deeper
Dig out deeper and learn about the guy. Find out who he is, his hobbies, relationships, work, residence, etc.
Develop your relationship
When you are certain he is the right guy for you, take the bold step to develop the relationship. The first step should be to send him the simple girlfriend application that provides details about yourself. Do not leave out any important detail, even if he has been with you for some time and has learned a little bit about you.
If your wifey application is accepted, begin to take the relationship to the next level now that he is your boyfriend. Regardless, do not rush everything out but take time. You cannot learn someone within one day. Let him learn your principles, the best things about you, and the worst too. Accept an approachable and creative way to interact.