Many people may not like to receive utility bills every month, but they are important. Without them, you cannot receive essential services like electricity, water, waste collection, and telephone. Utility bills can be used to prove residence when required by various entities. You can use them when applying for a passport, renewing a driver’s license, or moving to a new rental property. Both companies and individuals need to manage their utility bills effectively. An editable blank utility bill template can help a company or individual simplify the management of their utility bills.
- 1 Utility Bill Templates
- 2 What is a utility bill?
- 3 Editable Blank Utility Bill Templates
- 4 Different types of utility bills at home and office
- 5 Fake Utility Bill Templates
- 6 How to reduce the cost of your utility bills?
- 7 How to read your utility bills?
- 8 Electric / Water Bill Templates
- 9 Your tier usage
- 10 How to make a utility bill?
- 11 Understanding your billing address
Utility Bill Templates
What is a utility bill?
A utility bill is a document that shows the amount an organization or home owes essential services providers. They could range from water to electricity, gas, internet, telephone, TV, etc. The bill provides information about how a company or homeowner has used essential services. For example, an electricity bill shows the amount of electricity a company or homeowner has used during the month.
Editable Blank Utility Bill Templates
Different types of utility bills at home and office
Every home and office requires essential utilities to function effectively. A homeowner or office pays their utilities according to their consumption. Larger homes may consume more and therefore pay more for their utilities.
At the start of each month, homeowners and offices pay for the previous month’s bills. The organization or homeowner can prepare an editable blank utility bill template to help them keep track of their monthly utility bills. Here are the commonest utility bills around homes and offices.
- Electricity bills
Electricity bill is one of the commonest types of bills received by individuals and companies every month. Many individuals and organizations use an electric bill template when they want to keep track of their bills. Electricity has many uses in homes and offices. It is used to run machines, power devices and provide lighting. It is used for refrigeration, heating, and cooling systems.
The electricity meter keeps track of the amount of electricity used every month. If you fail to pay your electricity bills, the provider issues you with a notice of fifteen days, after which the service can be terminated. An electric bill template helps you keep track of your monthly electricity bills.
- Water and sewage bills
Before water is supplied to properties, it is first treated and then pumped through pipes. Once water is used, it is then drained into the sewer lines. A water bill template helps property owners to keep track of their water bills. The bill includes costs for pumping the water from reservoirs, treatment, and pumping into supply pipes.
- Cooking gas bills
Some premises like hotels are supplied with cooking gas throughout the month. At the end of the month, the supplies issue them with a gas bill payable at the start of every month. Some homeowners use the monthly gas supply services too.
- TV/entertainment bills
Entertainment bills cover bills for a TV subscription, video streaming channels, music streaming, radio, games, etc. An induvial or office can subscribe to as many entertainment channels as they wish as long as they can afford to pay for the bills.
Sometimes the bill list can be too long. An editable blank utility bill template helps you to put all bills into one place for ease of tracking. You can edit the template and have a customized electric bill template, water bill template, or any other template you may wish to create.
- Communication utility bills
Communication utility bills include bills for the internet or telephone. There is a wide range of internet and telephone service providers. Sometimes you can have two or more companies providing you with services for convenience.
This is why it is important to have an editable blank utility bill template for keeping track of all the bills. When downloading your bills template. You can also create a fake utility bill template for each type of bill to help you estimate your monthly consumption and for budgeting.
- Trash and recycling bills
Trash can be collected by the state government tracks or by private tracks. Regardless of who collects trash, you will receive a monthly bill from them. Mostly, trash and recycling bills are constant in every home. There can be different standards for offices and homes.
Whichever case is applicable, trash collection bills are usually standardized. The tracks may collect trash on specific days of the week. It is easy to track trash bills using the editable blank utility bill template.
- Security bills
Office and homeowners make arrangements with security guard companies to provide security services for them. After signing the contracts, you have to be ready to get and pay monthly security bills. The amount you pay depends on the security company you choose and the number of security guards you want.
Other types of monthly bills
There are many other types of bills that a company or homeowner may incur. They can be bills for:
- Online services
- Software subscriptions
- Newspaper subscriptions
- Memberships subscriptions
Fake Utility Bill Templates
How to reduce the cost of your utility bills?
It is important to track your utility bills to help you know how much you are spending monthly. Tracking your bills helps you to budget for the next month and to take measures for saving costs. There are different methods you can use to reduce the cost of your utility bills.
To help you know your spending on electricity, use an electric bill template. When the bill goes too high, you can try any of these methods to reduce the cost.
- Use energy-saving appliances: Some energy-saving appliances can save your electricity bill by up to 40 percent.
- Use energy-saving bulbs: Energy-saving bulbs can help you save electricity up to 80 percent.
- Reduce your shower time: If you are used to spending an hour in the shower room, you can reduce it by half and spend half an hour instead.
- During the day, use natural light: Turn off your light during the day and use the natural light.
- Don’t use heating or cooling system in rooms that are rarely used. Some rooms are rarely used. Places like the store, garage, and visitor’s room will rarely be used. It is not necessary to heat or cool them.
- Unplug appliances after use: Do not leave appliances plugged when no one is issuing them.
- Washing/laundry: Before you switch on the dishwasher or laundry machine, wait until they are full.
Water is an essential service that you cannot do without. However, the bills can escalate and get out of control. There are different ways to save water and reduce the bills.
- Turn off the taps: Sometimes, you can turn off the taps but leave a tiny gap that drips water the entire day or night. If you trap the drops, they can add to several hundreds of liters monthly.
- Store drinking water in the fridge: Many times, when people want to drink water from the tap, they let water flow first so that they get the cooler water. Instead of wasting the water, store water for drinking in the fridge.
- Go for showers instead of baths: A single bath can take up to 80 liters of water, while a shower will take only about half of that.
- Seal off any leaks: Leaking pipes can be a source of thousands of gallons of lost water. Regularly check if there are any leaking pipes. If there are, call your plumbing service provider to seal the pipes.
- Wash fruits in a bowl instead of the tap: When you wash your fruits by running more ware from the tap, you will waste more water than when you wash them in a bowl.
How to read your utility bills?
Most people go straight to check the total cost of their bill without paying attention to the other details. It is important to understand what you have been charged. To understand how to read your utility bill, first know what are the elements in the bill.
The top part of the bill contains the name of the name electricity supplier. The name comes on the left side of the bill. On the left side, the bill contains details like:
- Your bill account number
- The date when the statement was generated
- The deadline for paying your utility bill
The next row contains several details.
- Type of supply, which can either be commercial or residential
- Supply address which gives details of the street, town, state, and code.
The bill shows your account summary in terms of the following:
- Balance brought forward from your previous statement
- Payments you’ve made since the last statement
- Any balances that you haven’t paid since the last statement
- The current electricity charges
- The amount is due by the payment deadline.
If there is any discount you are befitting from, it is shown below the total amount due.
The other details contained in your utility bill are the address you can use if you have any questions concerning your current bill or issues with your consumption meter. The contact details provided are:
- 24 hours telephone number
- Website address
- Local office address
- Road
- Area
- State
- Postal code
There is another section that shows your monthly bill history for the past year. The history helps you to see your consumption rate so that you can take measures to reduce your consumption.
Some bills like electricity bills contain detailed information about what has been charged for the period. The bill shows the following.
Electric / Water Bill Templates
Your tier usage
Tier usage is divided into four categories – tier 1 to 4. Tier means the total energy allocated to you in a certain billing period. The tier attracts a specific price. If your usage exceeds your tier, the extra usage is charged at a higher rate applicable to the next tier.
You should try to save usage to avoid attracting higher costs due to exceeding your tier. For any type of billing, your billing starts at tier 1. This is the tier with the lowest rate per kilowatt-hour consumed. If you exceed tier 1 allocation, you automatically qualify for tier 2, which has a higher charge rating than tier 1.
If you want to know your current tier, you need to log in to your account and click on the View Recent Usage button. Click on the icon how is this calculated and you will get your next projected bill. A window will be displayed which shows your current tier and whether your consumption is projected to be more or to remain constant.
Going back to the bill, the tiered billing shows the following details:
- Your tier 1 allowance in kwh
- Tier 1 usage in kWh
- Tier 2 usage in kWh
- Tire 3 usage in kWh
- Discount
- Tax commission and total charges
How to make a utility bill?
To create a utility bill, you need to download an editable blank utility bill template. The design you will adopt depends on the kind of utility bill you want to make. For example, if you want to create a water bill, you need the following details.
- You can include your name
- Billing address
- Your water budget: The water budget shows your consumption for thirty days in gallons.
- Your tier. The water tier level is divided into five levels. Tier 1 shows your water usage is excellent. Tier 5 shows there is a level of wastefulness in your household.
- Total consumption: Total consumption charge shows the total amount you will be paid.
The other details in your fake utility bill template can be as follows:
- Multi-unit or special charge
- Sewer charge
- Energy surcharge
- Service charge
- Late fee
- Returned check fee
- Tax
- Previous balance
- Amount due
Understanding your billing address
Your billing address can be the same as your permanent address. It is the address where all your bills are sent. When you provide a permanent billing address, it ensures that you will never miss your bills. Most people provide the address of their permanent residence as their billing address.
This way, you will avoid disconnection of your utilities due to late payments. Your utility billing address is the same provided for your credit cards. This is because many people use their credit cards when making payments for their bills. Your billing address shows the following details.
- Your name
- Street
- Apartment number
- City
- State
- Zipcode