Individuals and organizations go through times of great achievements and failures. It is important to learn from successes and drawbacks. The lessons gained help people take precautions in their future actions. They learn to mitigate failures and improve successes for better returns. Organizations improve their business actions by looking at events or transactions retrospectively.

They use a retrospective template to record how things unfolded in a certain project. A project retrospective template allows brands to constructively criticize their actions. They use an agile retrospective template to cross-examine teams and their input or missed actions in a project.

Retrospective Templates

What is a retrospective template?

A retrospective template is a document that keeps teams engaged in conversations. It sets the discussion agenda and outlines the items the team will be talking about.

A project retrospective template is a platform where teams record details about a project. They write the things that worked perfectly and made the project successful. They also record the things that could have improved outcomes if they were done differently.

Above these, an agile retrospective template helps teams develop lists of actions. They are actions that can improve the things that went wrong and those that worked perfectly. The aim of the sprint retrospective document is not just to keep a record of the good and bad sides of the project.

The things recorded in an agile retrospective template help teams develop actionable solutions. They get ready for the next sprint by learning from the previous sprint.

In a retrospective meeting, teammates list the issues they want to discuss about a previous sprint. They aim to analyze its successes and failures. They look at how well the team collaborated or communicated in the previous sprint.

The sprint retrospective template lets them reflect and learn from one another. They use the lessons learned to improve future projects.

Sprint Retrospective Templates

What does a sprint retrospective mean?

Sprint retrospective means a gathering after a sprint. A sprint is a timed short period within which a team is expected to complete a specified task. It is a basic unit used in scrum and agile project approaches. The success of one sprint determines the success of the next one. 

If a previous sprint didn’t go as expected, it directly affects the outcomes of the next sprint. This is one of the reasons the team engaged in a sprint retrospective meeting. 

It brings the project teams to the table to discuss how things worked out in the previous sprint. A previous sprint in this case is the sprint that has just concluded. 

When they understand the things that didn’t work well, they find solutions to prevent affecting the next phase of the project. A sprint retrospective meeting happens inside the main framework of an agile retrospective template. This meeting sets the pace for the success of the next sprint within the agile project.

What should a sprint retrospective template have?

Teams use a project retrospective template to create a framework for recording positive and negative feedback from teams. Note that the feedback is coming from a team that has been on a specific sprint from start to finish. By the time they come to an end, there are quite several lessons they have learned. 

Project managers value the feedback and record it in a scrum retrospective template. During the sprint retrospective feedback session, managers focus on information from four main areas. These are areas that help them understand what happened in the previous sprint and the possible improvements that can be made. It is also to be noted that it’s not limited to a scrum team.

Other templates like Starfish retrospective template can also be used depending on the project type. A scrum retrospective template will be more suitable for our example here so let’s understand the areas in detail:

  • The smooth flow. This is a retrospective format that looks into the things that went on as expected. The teams report the tasks that had a smooth flow and record them in the sprint retrospective template.
  • The bottlenecks. Even though there are things that flow smoothly, there cannot be a project without obstacles. Every obstacle needs to be recorded in the scrum retrospective template for the sake of the next phase of the project.
  • Possible solutions. The scrum retrospective template also needs to have possible solutions recorded. The team takes into account both the issues that worked out and those that didn’t. Possible solutions in the sprint retrospective template mean things that can be adjusted to help improve the outcomes.
  • The actions. The actions column in a retrospective format looks at the next course of action. Since the previous sprint has already passed, every team member needs to take actions that will improve the next one. Whatever action they take should be guided by the information recorded in the retrospective template. A sprint retrospective is important because it helps the team gain insights into the right actions. These important points can be noted down on sticky notes.

Retrospective Formats

Why is an agile retrospective template important for project teams?

Meetings are important in every type of business. It is normal to find some team managers being hesitant to call for meetings. Some might fear criticism that might break teams apart.

On the contrary, agile teams do better when they hold meetings frequently. It is particularly important to hold feedback meetings after a project sprint. An agile retrospective template plays an important role during project-based meetings. Teams benefit in many ways.

  • Records what is in the team’s minds
    It is not every team member who could be bold enough to speak their mind. Failure to speak is a disadvantage to the company. The member who fears speaking could be the one who holds the best solution for the team.
    Managers can call for sprint retrospective meetings and create space for open discussions. During the discussions, the managers get the opportunity to use an agile retrospective template to record the issues discussed.
  • Provides an opportunity to address obstacles
    During sprint retrospective meetings, the team records in the retrospective template obstacles they might have faced. The purpose of recording challenges is not to have a record but to get solutions.
    The same team brainstorms to get solutions to the obstacles. They prepare a platform for successive future sprints with fewer challenges. For this point, team members’ emotional health should also be considered.
  • Creates a platform for stronger teamwork
    One project might have large teams located in different places. When they come together for feedback with the help of a project manager, they populate the scrum retrospective template with useful information. Since they bring on board shared information, they could be willing to collaborate more than ever.
    Each member brings to the table their views and thoughts. They discuss solutions and work together towards implementing them. In the long run, the company benefits from achieving one success to the next.
  • Working with an organized retrospective format
    Choosing the right retrospective format is important for teams. The goal of using sprint retrospective templates is not just to brainstorm and get solutions. A sprint retrospective template also keeps the details of a project organized.
    Teams can use sprint retrospectives as a solution for managing projects. They record the important project tasks and follow up on their successes. Adopting a good retrospective format ensures everything about the project stays organized.
  • Sets pace for enhanced productivity
    A scrum retrospective template contains a report of the good and bad sides of a project. It also contains possible solutions and actions.
    The purpose of the solutions and actions is to help make the next project better. They focus on creating a platform for improving productivity not only for the next sprint but also for all future projects.

How do you review a previous sprint?

Every previous sprint should be reviewed immediately after its time frame ends. The team should engage in a retrospective purposely to review the sprint. Through the leadership of the sprint manager, the team takes time to reflect on the outcomes of the sprint.

They record both the good side and the bad side issues. The data is then gathered in a project retrospective template. The team gets solutions that can be implemented into the sprint. They are solutions that help improve the outcomes and workflow of tasks.

How do you structure a retrospective?

You cannot separate a project retrospective template from the management of an agile project. Management success requires managers to give the team chances to speak their minds. 

Members need time to reflect and look forward to better project outcomes. Managers need to structure and adapt a retrospective format that fits their teams. The important steps to consider may include the following.

  • Write the theme of the sprint retrospective
    The theme is what defines the reasons for the retrospective and its scope. A retrospective template needs to be divided into the themes under a main theme.
    The main theme or goals act as the guide to the rest of the goals. Scope defines the pace at which teams will meet to reflect on their past. Each meeting should harness expectations in the teams.
  • Select a retrospective format
    A retrospective format defines the strategy for holding meetings. It explains the protocols to be observed during the session. Describe the style of interactions that will be adopted.
    For instance, the team might be requested to speak and share their experiences. Let the retrospective format provide space for sharing without fear.
  • Bring the team for a sprint retrospective
    The next phase requires you to bring your team to the table. Provide an environment where they can speak freely and provide all the feedback needed.
    You may divide the team into groups based on the project tasks they were working on. This approach helps gather specific feedback instead of generalized ideas. Investigate to understand the main points that can drive the success of future projects.
  • Revisit the feedback
    Once the teams complete giving their ideas and views, close the session and take a break. Bring back the teams after a few minutes to revisit the views they have already shared.
    Engage in a time of analysis and synthesizing the ideas. Reviewing the ideas helps the team to go into the finer details that they might have noticed. From here, the team can agree on actionable solutions for the next project.
  • Create a strategy for action
    It might not be possible to act on every solution recorded in the sprint retrospective template. However, it is possible to implement one solution at a time and measure its results. This strategy helps the team follow up on their recommendations. It paves the way for creating metrics for measuring successes.
    From time to time, keep revisiting the recommendations and improving them. The long-term goal should be to achieve the greatest success in all future projects. A strategy for actions helps set the team apart so that they can work more closely and productively.

Agile Retrospective Templates

How do you document a retrospective?

Sprint retrospective meetings are mainly held at the end of a sprint. The meetings do not last long but take about an hour or an hour and a half. It is important to know how to document the issues discussed in a sprint retrospective template.

  • Preparing the team psychologically. Do not make the mistake of jumping right into the session. Instead, take a few minutes to prepare the team. This action gets their mind and body ready to share their feedback with an open mind. This section is important because it hooks everyone’s attention and encourages them to take part.
  • Add the scrum retrospective template on the board. You might have a screen where you can zoom the agile retrospective template for everyone to see. If they have computers with them, use an apt to share the template. This will help the team to immediately start imagining the reviews and ideas to share.
  • Open the talk and involve everyone. Set the pace by kicking off the talk sessions. Invite everyone to join in and keep the talks moving. As the talks go on, keep recording the issues as they come. You can use an app to help you group the common issues as they come. Allow voting to agree on priority issues.
  • Agree on actions. From the list of most important issues, agree on which ones require immediate action. Pick the ones that might need action later. Agree on the timelines for implementation and appoint leaders who will help drive the action. Every issue agreed upon should be recorded in the retrospective template.
  • Share the final report. Once all issues and solutions have been recorded, share the entire project retrospective template with every member of the team. Let them use it as a guide when implementing the agreed actions. It helps the team understand every point, and add visuals whenever applicable.